How to measure color of Alcoholic Spirits

Major brand owners understand the significance of color appeal and consistency in influencing consumers’ decisions to purchase their spirit products. That’s why they choose HunterLab for precise color measurement solutions that meet the quality standards of visual perception for spirits.

Our innovative color-measuring spectrophotometers ensure the finished product is flawless and meets the standards the spirits industry demands.

But why measure the color of spirits?
Color and appearance measurements play a crucial part in the refining process of spirits. This data helps to identify the optimum level of refinement before distribution.

HunterLab spectrophotometers and quality control solutions provide accurate and consistent color and appearance data that can improve the efficiency and consistency of your spirit production process.

Did you know? HunterLab’s Vista is the only instrument in the market that can simultaneously measure color and haze or turbidity. The best part is you can measure in any optical quality vial or cell as small as 10mm in all the pre-equipped color scales and indices you need, including Hunter L,a,b, CIELAB, and Haze%. Speed up your measurement process time while minimizing product waste and cleanup time. 

HunterLab makes your quality assurance process simple with all the pre-equipped color scales and indices you need, an easy-to-use modern interface, and the latest data communication features.  The data is displayed and stored digitally and can be fed into your Statistical Process Control (SPC) systems, facilitating more efficient workflows. These features accelerate the quality control process by shrinking the time to measure multiple samples.     

Rest assured, your brand reputation and profit margins will always be in check.  

HunterLab always gives you the best value with:
Consistently accurate results    
The lowest total cost of ownership      
lowest maintenance costs       
lowest service costs       
longest instrument lifespan       
and, of course, the worldwide customer service that we are famous for.       
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