How to measure color of Palm Oil

Don’t measure the color of palm oil like it’s still 1885. With HunterLab, take one small sample measurement and see your results in the scales and pathlengths that you need.

The world’s leading palm oil manufacturers pay close attention to the color of their products because that ensures quality and purity. HunterLab’s color measurement solutions offer simple, fast, and economical way to detect fake palm oil, helping companies maintain and expand market share.

Color and appearance measurements play a crucial part in the #refining process of palm oil. The HunterLab spectrophotometer provides accurate data to identify the optimum level of refinement and #grading of palm oil before distribution. Since consumers select products by color, it is important for manufacturers to meet their expectations and comply with regulatory requirements.

Did you know? HunterLab’s Vista is the only instrument in the market that can measure color and haze or turbidity simultaneously. The best part is, you can measure in any optical quality vial or cell, as small as 10mm. The HunterLab Vista spectrophotometer will accurately report LOVIBOND® RYBN 1” and 5.25” results, as well as AOCS RY 1” and 5.25” results, all in one test. Speed up your measurement process time while minimizing product waste and cleanup time.
Tags: Vista, Palmoil, color