HunterLab - #1 in Petrochemicals Color Measurement
#HunterLab - The #Leaders in #Color #Testing and #Analysis of #Petrochemicals for over 35 years.
Providing color #measurement #solutions for your #Quality Control needs to quickly help determine:
Product Purity
Thermal stability and other critical quality attributes
HunterLab #Vista: End-to-end color measurement of all kinds of petrochemicals – from near opaque to transparent or clear.
1. Improve the efficiency and consistency of the #grading and #refining process of petrochemicals.
2. Avoid faulty product batches, wastage, and risks directly impacting your bottom line.
3. Say goodbye to manual errors and repetitive work with an easy-to-use #modern interface and the latest data communications features.
4. Simplify #electronic #recordkeeping, data integrity, compliance, and audit trails by using the #user-friendly, embedded #touchscreen interface, outputting directly to your Statistical Process Control or by using HunterLab’s easy to use PC-based software option. Whatever works best for your processes.
5. HunterLab is the ONLY provider with the most comprehensive built-in #colorscales and indices commonly used in the petrochemical industry.
APHA/ PtCo/Hazen
YI (Yellowness Index)
ASTM D1500
Gardner Color
Haze and Turbidity
6. HunterLab’s Vista is the ONLY #spectrophotometer in the industry that can simultaneously measure color, #haze and @turbidity#
7. With Hunterlab Vista, take one small #sample measurement and see the results in all the #scales and #pathlengths you need with none of the hassle.
8. Take simultaneous measurements in less than 5 seconds.
9. Stand-alone, small footprint. Fits nicely under a fume hood.
10. Industry specific #accessories, unique solutions to fit your needs.
11. Ensure top-notch QC operations with real-time color data that provides early warning signals.
12. Easily integrates with your LMS (Laboratory Mangement Systems), Statistical Process Control (SPC) and other #datamanagement and control solutions.
Providing color #measurement #solutions for your #Quality Control needs to quickly help determine:
Product Purity
Thermal stability and other critical quality attributes
HunterLab #Vista: End-to-end color measurement of all kinds of petrochemicals – from near opaque to transparent or clear.
1. Improve the efficiency and consistency of the #grading and #refining process of petrochemicals.
2. Avoid faulty product batches, wastage, and risks directly impacting your bottom line.
3. Say goodbye to manual errors and repetitive work with an easy-to-use #modern interface and the latest data communications features.
4. Simplify #electronic #recordkeeping, data integrity, compliance, and audit trails by using the #user-friendly, embedded #touchscreen interface, outputting directly to your Statistical Process Control or by using HunterLab’s easy to use PC-based software option. Whatever works best for your processes.
5. HunterLab is the ONLY provider with the most comprehensive built-in #colorscales and indices commonly used in the petrochemical industry.
APHA/ PtCo/Hazen
YI (Yellowness Index)
ASTM D1500
Gardner Color
Haze and Turbidity
6. HunterLab’s Vista is the ONLY #spectrophotometer in the industry that can simultaneously measure color, #haze and @turbidity#
7. With Hunterlab Vista, take one small #sample measurement and see the results in all the #scales and #pathlengths you need with none of the hassle.
8. Take simultaneous measurements in less than 5 seconds.
9. Stand-alone, small footprint. Fits nicely under a fume hood.
10. Industry specific #accessories, unique solutions to fit your needs.
11. Ensure top-notch QC operations with real-time color data that provides early warning signals.
12. Easily integrates with your LMS (Laboratory Mangement Systems), Statistical Process Control (SPC) and other #datamanagement and control solutions.